
05 January 2012

It's the New Year and I'm Supposed to be Doing...

The New Year is here. I did not get my Christmas cards out, again, and am wondering if it is too late to get and send 'hope we have a wonderful year' cards instead. No resolutions made, but I'm still thinking about one. Got to get a few more calendars, pages for my organizer (had to wait for my check to get here), get to the sew and vac to get a foot for my FW and find a backing for my quilt.

Sheesh, I wimped out. I told DH I was going to finish going through my emails (I get a lot!), moderate as needed, and get to my quilting. I have to finish cutting up some more FQs to make a few more variations of blocks. Then I'm supposed to cut up the strips that frame the blocks.

(Hanging head in shame) Instead I'm putzing with the online Craftsy classes I joined about quilting and checking out the free BOM one (block of the month) and messing with the supply lists.
Then following blogs like the ones about Ryan Gosling -- what a hoot, I spent an hour following a lot of those on tumblr... The people who write those sayings on his pics are talented. I had to look up a couple of words in my dictionary.
Then I bookmarked a couple more sites that had cute needle book tutorials that had listed. The owl one is too cute.
Then I checked to see if there were any more of the awsome wood Singer FW table extensions listed on ebay by twice-a-treasure but nothing yet, only showing in completed right now --he sold them all, three more to the same guy. Seems the guy's wife is in a quilt guild and they like them so he has been doing the buying for them--whatta DH. I want to get one for my tan FW -- either coordinate or contrast color. I'm not keen on oak, but thought maybe if he has black walnut or something with a nice tight grain.

Maybe it is time to get off the computer and go cut up a bit...maybe. Later then.

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