
18 January 2012

Bloggers Letters that I Love

Someone on one of my fix lists posted that their kitchen mixer needed help and the list members posted some URLs that might help including service manuals and a place to get parts. I immediately started a file in my computer for household appliance fixes and a page for KitchenAid URLs -- because I have the 5 qt. mixer. Well, following the various links got me to the following blog with a letter to KitchenAid. I just love folks who can write about complaints and still make me laugh. All about getting their point across, possibly asking for assistance, and taking the humorous approach. Below her letter are a couple of photos that link and she has a follow up on repairing her mixer. Check this out:
and now I will try a link -- 

Just in case, it might be found at and her letter is dated February 23, 2009.

08 January 2012

Featherweight Table Refinishing Blog Found

Just goes to show that if you look hard enough or read through the email groups messages long enough you can find most anything -- and in this instance about Featherweight table refinishing. I've linked the blog from MalePatternBoldness (see Sewing Machine blog list way below on right). Peter Lappin shows the one he refinished and one from a guy who sent him pics. Both are nicely done. Theirs have what looks like wood edges and mine has metal.

After reading on Peter's blog and on one of the the Singer groups at Yahoo I see I have to get the proper sandpaper grit. The stuff I bought is too coarse for the final in-between coats sanding that seems to be necessary. Good thing I waited and did not just jump right in. I did buy black spray paint for the metal legs, but since closer inspection shows that it really looks like very dark brown I'm sure I'll go with as close to original as possible. Back to the paint store. Since I bought a clear acrylic spray and not polyurethane, I think I will get the poly -- after I find out which is a harder finish.

05 January 2012

It's the New Year and I'm Supposed to be Doing...

The New Year is here. I did not get my Christmas cards out, again, and am wondering if it is too late to get and send 'hope we have a wonderful year' cards instead. No resolutions made, but I'm still thinking about one. Got to get a few more calendars, pages for my organizer (had to wait for my check to get here), get to the sew and vac to get a foot for my FW and find a backing for my quilt.

Sheesh, I wimped out. I told DH I was going to finish going through my emails (I get a lot!), moderate as needed, and get to my quilting. I have to finish cutting up some more FQs to make a few more variations of blocks. Then I'm supposed to cut up the strips that frame the blocks.

(Hanging head in shame) Instead I'm putzing with the online Craftsy classes I joined about quilting and checking out the free BOM one (block of the month) and messing with the supply lists.
Then following blogs like the ones about Ryan Gosling -- what a hoot, I spent an hour following a lot of those on tumblr... The people who write those sayings on his pics are talented. I had to look up a couple of words in my dictionary.
Then I bookmarked a couple more sites that had cute needle book tutorials that had listed. The owl one is too cute.
Then I checked to see if there were any more of the awsome wood Singer FW table extensions listed on ebay by twice-a-treasure but nothing yet, only showing in completed right now --he sold them all, three more to the same guy. Seems the guy's wife is in a quilt guild and they like them so he has been doing the buying for them--whatta DH. I want to get one for my tan FW -- either coordinate or contrast color. I'm not keen on oak, but thought maybe if he has black walnut or something with a nice tight grain.

Maybe it is time to get off the computer and go cut up a bit...maybe. Later then.