
15 December 2011

Trial upload of a Standard Rotary Shuttle Sewing Machine instruction book

A couple of pages from the Standard sewing manual to see how they come out....It crumbled even more after handling...ouch.  I'm still learning how this blog works, totally trial and error. I managed to make a library copy for my use since the book itself is literally crumbling when handled.  The parts in the box are interesting.  Maybe a machine will come my way with the parlor cabinet I've wanted.  The only thing about that is the cabinet I like is for a Singer machine.    I would not even know if the base measurements are the same until I could get my hands on both.  I'm dreaming I know.

12 December 2011

Oh Yes, Sewing Machine Maintenance

I forgot to come back and add more to the tool post.  I added needle holders and some brushes to the tool kit.  I found some more of the chemical cleaners mentioned on the different sewing machine groups at Yahoo.

The machines that I worked on the past month were
(1.)  two Singer 221 Featherweight machines.  One is having problems with the power where the plug is in the machine.  I took the bottom off and really poked around and saw that the fabric covered wires under there are soaked in thick blackish oil crud.  Yuck.  I think that is why the machine went for relatively cheap in comparison to the others on Craigslist where I found it.

Then, (2.) a Kenmore 158.1060 and a 158.1030.  Both are small portables like the Featherweights.   I repaired the inside plug housing on the 1060.  There are some 'ears' that stick out and the screws that hold it in place go through them.  I guess the last person to tighten the screws did a too tight job and both were broken.  I used clear 5-minute plastic epoxy, let it set for 24 hours and then gently put it back together.  The weld did hold. Can I pat myself on the back? 

(3.) Then I tried to see what was wrong with a Singer 1036 electronic machine that has a horrible growl.  The motor makes the noise.  I don't do sewing machine motors -- yet.  That one was a throw away machine, so I just may take the motor apart.  Seems to stitch OK when I tried it.  I got covers off, and then made the mistake of not diagramming and taping the screws to the diagram.  I did top and bottom and one on the throat area and kind of mixed them up.  I finally got them all back in the right places, but I was sweating it for awhile, no kidding.  I hate having pieces left over. BTW, I took pictures of the weld.  May add them later on, we'll see. 

The contact cement I needed was finally found at a small independent hardware store.  I will be working on fixing the fabric of one of the Featherweight cases and the contact cement was recommended.  I've got tooth picks, cotton swabs, and towel remnants all set to work on this.  Later though, no time now.  The quilt must go on.

In the MeanTime...

Things have been busy for me the past month plus.  I bothered to sign up for a quilting class at our local fabric craft store.  Nice teacher, easy going, not picky about my mistakes or slowness.  This close-to-perfection thing about quilting is just another step in the process to keep me from liking piecing.  Have I said yet that I hate piecing?  Never liked it and I still don't.  I am not inspired to be artistic.  I can copy something if I can see and handle an item.  I like clothing, crafting and home deco sewing.  Cutting fabric up into bitty pieces to make a bigger piece, iron the seams down after sewing and hoping I got it correct drives me nuts!  Did I mention that I hate ironing!  I hate ironing. 

I'm taking the class to learn about it.  I'm only part way done, as sashing needs to be done next and then borders and then binding.  If I don't have it finished before her next quilt class, the teacher will allow me to attend and pay individually for each meeting I go to for her help.  A simple four-patch is all I'm doing.  However, it is going to be larger than a twin size, and I can use the extra squares (yes, there will be extra squares -- 12 fat quarters to make 5 1/2 inch squares makes for lots of combinations)  to make a bolster or pillow cover or something.  I think the teacher felt bad for me and had me doing a random pick to make the squares, but I'm trying to coordinate the different fabrics to make them look nicer. I still have to find a backing fabric and am thinking along the lines of flannel as it is so cold for me lately.  It is raining now. 

I think my next quilt will be done with a serger.

I may keep this blog posted about my quilt making, but then maybe not.